Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday shows tackle the econamy, taxes

Constitutional Connection: Article 1, The Legislative Branch, Section 8
     "The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes"
Explanation of Connection:
     Congress is debating whether to cut taxes or not.  Senator John Boehner said that if that is the only option he has is to vote for those tax reductions he will vote for them.  Austin Goolsbee, White House Council of Economic Advisers, said that the best way to help these small businesses in the most direct way is, through the presidents small business bill.  Some believe that tax cuts on the richest Americans will have any affect on the economy. Peter Orszag, former director of office management and budget, believes that we cant afford the Bush tax cuts.
     This article demonstrates Article 1, Section 8  of the U.S. Constitution because it demonstrates tax laws.  Congress is trying to pass this small business bill that is supposed help these small business out and create more jobs.
     I think this is a good bill to pass because in a time like this we need tax cuts.  For small businesses this bill might help them out and if it does allow them to hire more workers, the bill will also help out many families.

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